Monday, February 25, 2013

Inside Real Estate: Homeowner's Insurance

I know it's not very exciting, but it's important to talk about home insurance. Everybody who owns a home needs insurance to protect them from unexpected events. I think it seems boring because it's hard to understand and remember what is covered. If I explain even just one component, it makes it easier for me to understand.

To start, here's one of my favorite websites, "How Stuff Works," covering homeowners insurance in much greater detail. Another place for information is Home Insurance Quotes.

In a brief explanation, homeowner's insurance is insurance that helps you if something bad happens to your home. This could be anything from destruction to an accident happening to one of your guests, which you would technically be liable for as the homeowner. I want to focus on a situation where you have a home and something BIG destroys it, like a fire. When that happens, you still need a place to live. You can file an insurance claim and you will get financial help in rebuilding your home, living expenses while it is being rebuilt, and replacing your furniture, dishes, and any personal items. I'll talk a little about choosing your type of coverage in my next post.

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